Monday, August 31, 2009

What have I Gotten Myself Into?

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings,
because we know that suffering produces perseverance,
perserverance, character; and character, hope."
Romans 5:4

I'm totally beginning to understand why people get so close to graduating and then give up. I honestly had the thought the other day. Okay, you're right... I would never do it. However, the idea was looking pretty good. I'm not sure how I am going to survive this semester. Survive meaning "emerge with my sanity in tact." Maybe I prayed too much this summer. I'm pretty sure that almost every time I prayed I asked God to stretch me and grow me this semester-produce character, you know that sort of thing. However, looking at each syllabus, it strikes me that maybe I was too enthusiastic in my prayers. Have you ever done that? Prayed something that you thought you really wanted and something you were sure that you were ready for, then thought to yourself, "OH! What have I gotten myself into?" Yeah .... I'm SO there. Fall Semester is going to equal No Life. Its unfortunate, but I guess I only got what I asked for. So what can I do but submit to it. At least (if I survive that is) I'll emerge with better character in the end. So for the three of you that actually read this... you've heard it said before, but Be careful what you pray for because sometimes God answers those prayers. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love ya, Bre! You can du eet! Yea, my friend Amanda prayed the Job prayer and got a brain tumor ;) Not that it is cause-effect, but it makes you wonder... nah. Just think about how SWEET it'll feel when you're done with it all on time, and graduating! all because you suffered! The efforts will feel so rewarding and worth it :)
