Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Everything is Spiritual

I've been looking over some of my personal habits. Habits such as: my tendency to run late (even if its only a few minutes), lack of discipline in working out (i wouldn't ever call it laziness), and my cluttered hidden spaces (I do well keeping things picked up but my closet and drawers tend to be messy). Now, I could offer a surface excuse for all these, and honestly I have been throughout the years. Excuses like, "well I just never tend to have enough time to get ready- something always comes up", or "as long as i keep what people see clean then there shouldn't be a problem" have become my anthems. For years, I have just kind of ignored these things or pushed them aside to worry about on another day.

Then there is my spiritual life (you know the things that are more important). Actions with meaning such as praying, reading my Bible, and serving. Two of which (praying and reading my Bible) I will admit that for quite sometime I was horrible at. Even now sometimes is feels like I am pulling teeth to make myself want to do these things. Serving, though I did it and often, I had the wrong motives far too many times. Just the same as the things in my "everyday" life, I have plenty of excuses. "I didn't/don't have time, " being the most popular. There is a pattern; not only is there a pattern, but I'm beginning to realize something HUGE. I'm finally come to realize the "everything is spiritual."

It's not like I have never, in my 21 years in church, heard such a thing. But, for some reason I failed to get a grasp of it. These things are connected. The things in the physical are not separate from the things I struggle with in the spiritual. As a matter of fact, they are actually indicators that there is a fiber of character that is missing or broken in my inner life. Lack of discipline in the physical points to a lack of the spiritual disciplines. The messiness of my closet and drawers could possibly indicate a disordered (or off-rhythm) inner life. This holistic view brings a clearer picture to the places that need work. It takes it deeper. So rather than building character on the surface, it can penetrate the core of who I am.

1 comment:

  1. IT is a blessing to know that God is touching so many young people such as your self .who can recognize that God is teaching you with revelations of spiritual priority's.When ever something is out of order in the physical we tend to try to shuffle things around; but when we are able to trace it back to the spiritual real and set things right everything seems to just fall right in order as God interned it to be with His children love you Bre, be blessed in the name of Jesus .
