Thursday, August 27, 2009

Love God More.

In reflection of and response to "To be naked with God" ( by Andre Henry.

I measure the importance of my friendship to others in terms of time. Don't we all? Doesn't it make sense to assume that if someone is important to us that we will go out of our way to make sure that there is time that we have set aside for that person? I know that if someone says that I am important to them but never spends time with me, or only checks in with me with they want to tell me whats happening in their life , I wouldn't believe their words anymore.

God's a person. This statement sounds like one we would quickly agree with, but do we know what it means? God is a person. A person thinks and feels. If I am made in his image, would it not be accurate to say that if I feel that we invest time in those we love, that He probably does too? I've heard, "love God more," a couple times in the past week. And that's exactly what it comes down to.

Think about it. How do you cultivate a relationship? How does it start? Most likely you hang out with the person. You get to know the person. Then you begin to love the person for who they are. Which brings you full circle, back to spending time with them. God's the same. Andre's blog hit me like a stack of bricks. I don't love God as much as I want. I don't love him enough to always go out of my way to carve time for him... just him. So I'm going to begin to "love God more," and start with spending time.

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